Wednesday, April 04, 2007
posted by yanaliao at
Credit Original Chinese Text to Wheel0704 of and reposted by Ah Xia of
Takuya Kimura has a Radio show wherein he talks about his shows, live performances or even made some interlude for the fans, he even talked about F4's guesting on their show SMAPXSMAP. He said that the group F4 was very cute because after the show they even asked for a group picture and autograph from them.
Takuya even said: "After F4's portion was taped, I thought they already left, but after I finished taping the whole show, I was surprised to see Mr. Yan (there was a term Takuya used in addressing Jerry which is often used to call the elders) waiting for me. When he saw me coming he said: "Xin Ku le!" (literally means you've worked hard enough), then he said he was waiting for me to finish so we could have a picture together. I was wondering why he wanted to do it again since we just had one right after their portion was taped. In the end I learned that because I was dressed funny in the show, he wanted to have a picture with me in my usual look. He even waited for me to finish the taping. This left a very deep impression in me."言承旭港灣 世界連線'O
11:52 PM
I am In LOVE with JERRY