Friday, August 06, 2004

abt the myfm988 radio clip (1.5mb 10.27min)2 min into the clip, jus b4 jy's
song was played...

jy : da jia hao, i m ycx. u r now listening to malaysia
988. tis is my new song, yi gong chiduring song interlude...

jy : long time
no see, now finally my new song will soon be released. the song title is
yi gong chi. when 2 persons r in lov ???????? but when the love has
evaporated, sometimes we may be one metre apart but we can no longer feel the
presence of the other person. i believe there r many others who have gone
thru tisimmed after the song ended...

jy : (see kkla msg
below)----------------the dj explained there is a 988 asiawide broadcast of jy's
song. there is also a contest, 988 yan cheng xu 'J for u' hao peng yu
(good friend) taiwan xin yu xi where 2 lucky callers/winners will be flown to tw
for jy's tw xin (some kind of presscon?). date not fixed but probably 19
aug. there r also jy mystery gifts to be given away. the contest
continues tdy (5th aug) n tom (6th). the results will be announced on fri
6th. the participants have to

1. repeat the slogan "i want to
participate in yan cheng xu 988 'J for u' hao peng yu taiwan xin"

2. use
the most emotional words to describe their feelings towards (jy album?).

3. tell how they will wish/greet him if he is standing in front of
themafter the song was played, the dj was very impressed with jy n the song.the
first participant was so excited, her words tumbled out faster than she cud
tink. she kept missing certain words tat she was supposed to repeat.
dj tried to calm her down n helped to clue her along until she got all her words
repeated correctly. dj said in her highly excited state, is the rite time
to use her most emotional words to express herself towards jy's 'j for u'
??? then she read her prepared sentences, but there was one part where she
said, ah xu, your hard work we all can see, dont give yourself too much 'hard
work' but she immed corrected herself, dont give yourself too much
pressure. she was so excited, she was almost 'panting', breathless from

dj : if jy stood in front of u, how wud u wish/greet

she : wish him to be healthy, album sell or dont sell is not
the matter....

dj : so long as he is healthy, watever he does,
everything will go smoothly

she : wat is most impt is tat he is happy

she received a jy mystery gift.the 2nd participant was equally
excited. w/out waiting for the dj's cue, she quickly repeated the slogan,
i want to participate in yan cheng xu 'j for u' hao peng yu tw xin but her
excitement very quickly turned emotional. when asked to express herself to
jy in her most emotional words, she said in an emotional laden voice,

she : ah
xu, thank u! thank u for releasing your album! i m very touched!
thank u for giving us the chance to share in your first time! altho we waited 3
years, it was well worth it!

dj : oh..u r very emotional, u feel lik
crying ah?

she : waited very long time

dj : waited very long, so
how do u feel?

she : very touched bcos on the net already cud hear the song
n very touched! very touched tat he can sing until tis level

dj : so, if rite
infront of u tat friend is realli ycx

she : i will say hope everyone will realli
look upon his album with ???? n use their hearts to listen to his album n
feel the result of your sincerity n we shall all work hard together, jia u!

dj :now tat u have heard the song, how do u feel?

she : very touched, i m realli very
touched bcos i have heard rumours tat others criticized him such, "ycx! with tis
kind of voice, not possible to sing until lik (so well)" so i m sure they r
already bias towards him. ??????? so jus now i heard it, i was very
touched! very touched! very touched! we have waited so long, it was worth

she too received a jy mystery gift.----------------

hermaning :
from the radio conversation, the 2 participants mus be very devout jy fans who
have been keeping abreast of jy's happenings! left out a bit of
translation here n there due to non comprehension.> --- In, "kkla" wrote:>
"Through this song, I want you to > > know, the distance between us may be
not only one meter, but I hope you can feel my being with you all the time."
................................................................> >
> Source: lici on

Posted by hermaning and kkla of onlyjerry

9:35 PM

I am In LOVE with JERRY

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Location: Manila, Philippines
Hobbies: Jerry lol

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  • jerry mia ad
  • Jerry's song one metre
  • Jerry at Uno magazine August issue
  • more pics of Jerry at sammi's concert and hitfm
  • Jerry and Lin zhi ling an item?
  • Jerry at Sammi concert
  • Jerry's pic at hitfm/hito special guest+ Hk airport
  • Jerry's album preview
  • My pretty boy
  • Jerry's new look
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