At the Seoul Drama Awards, Jerry Yan
and Chonan Kan will guest star
Source: 26, 2006
Scanned Lian He Bao news clipping ( page D2) credits to mamy of TW Love Jerry Family

F4’s Yan Cheng Xu (Jerry Yan) and Smap’s Kusanagi
Tsuyoshi (Chonan Kan) will bump heads in Korea
On the 29th of this month at the KBS Hall, Seoul, Korea, the drama circle will conduct a new search in its “Seoul Drama Awards 2006” night. During this night, a lot of famous Korean stars are expected to attend, and two heavenly idol group members Taiwan’s Jerry Yan of F4 and Japan’s Kusanagi Tsuyoshi of Smap will bump heads, who will also become the center of attention in the whole venue.
Seoul Drama Awards search started this year, and because three of the biggest TV networks of Korea jointly sponsored this event to promote Korean TV serials and export them to other countries, it will hold its first screening on the 27th before the final performance night. Presently, the three big networks called on the Korean stars like actor Kim Jeong Hoon of “The Palace”, “Wonderful Life’s” Kim Jae Won, Ryu Si Won of ”The Wedding” and so on, who will be the hosts and presenters for the different awards.
The sponsors also invited two of Taiwan and Japan’s most famous people to attend. Presently, the foreign guests list is getting the most attention, especially Taiwan’s Jerry Yan and Smaps’ Chonan Kan. Smap’s Chonan Kan is frequent artist in Korea.. Not only did he studied the Korean language, he actively goes through the Korean showbiz market. He recently became a guest actor at a Korean TV serial, and now will go abroad again to Korea for the awards night. Chinan Kan will also attend the Premier Night in Korea of his lead movie “Sinking Japan”
Since Jerry went to Korea for a performance in December 2004, he hasn’t been in Korea for almost 2 years now. Jerry’s performance in his new TV drama “The Hospital” also gave rise to warm discussions for Korean F4 fans. Jerry’s management expressed that they really received the invitation from the sponsors. At the moment, they are trying hard to adjust his schedule, wishing he can represent the Taiwanese artists in this Awarding event.
Translated by Jerry's Kingdom. Thank you for the credit.