Tuesday, February 07, 2006
Extra Note : To people who are taking the below translation, DO make sure you ONLY CREDIT
Xiujuan @ http://onlyf4.proboards48.com for the translation. No extra credits should be given and no changes must be made to the translation. Thanks for your cooperation.
F4 Bangs out Popularity, Develop individual lives
The same group, members rushing from the same line but their fate of developing is different. The most famous F4 in Taiwan with members, Jerry Yan, Ken Chu, Vic Zhou, Vanness Wu is the best example. From them, we know that in order to be successful in the entertainment circle, you must never be lack of time, place and people.
Jerry Yan, Becomes long-term popular after he shot to fame
Among the 4, Jerry's placement have already hit the international star position. When he goes around Asia to do promo, people would crowd just to see him and he treats fans so well that there's nothing to describe.
Many media saw with their own eyes that if fans crowd him for pictures and autographs, he would reply with a smile and patience. Even if his promo assistant by the side rushes for time, he'll try to compromise with everyone, making people touched.
Many years ago, Jerry did have the chance to come into the circle and have ever appeared in front of the media before. However, it was only until producer, Cai Zhi Ping who was looking for roles of F4 in Meteor Garden, then she chose him.
At first, he couldn't adapt to the shooting to fame and lack of privacy situation and ever called up friends of the media who was close to him, talking about his feelings to almost an hour. His real personality was revealed in all.
In order to break the challenge, he took a high challenge drama, The Hospital. In order to compromise with the media, whenver Lin Zhi Ling is mentioned, he'll handle it with smiles. His understanding, maturity is more like a superstar. His success is not without a reason. Jerry fixes himself time and time again, that's the basics of people to people.
Ken Chu, To Live Himself
Some idols are far away, some celebrities are very near. Ken Chu is the celebrity who wants to be nearer to fans. After he finished fliming Far East Great International Trial, he rested for half a year, and it seems because of his good appetite, his double chin is showing. Attending his friend's wedding, he appears in casual clothes.
Before Jerry got his way, Ken held his only book autograph session. Fans from 11 Asian countries crowded the place. He signed for a whole 3 hours, who would dare say he isn't popular, and his fanclub would show up to show their idol's hard work.
He ever said, "F4 isn't a group. It's a title in Meteor Garden." It makes people suspicious whether he is trying to kick off the F4 title.
He explains, "Everyone is a body, F4 is a title in terms of the spirits. When there is a need, this F4 spirit would be gathered, isn't this better ?" His opinion tells us that Ken Chu is definately stepping down to reality.
Vic Zhou, Love Matters Covers everything
Vic Zhou's image is the most little boy in the group. He loves driving at high speed and because of this, he got into a accident and it's not only one time that he is on the headlines. He was being checked by the media for failing his exams and skipping classes. He treats his friends well and he doesn't have any idol way at all. However, one thing that people is most curious about him recently, is his relationship with Da S.
Ever since his start with Xu Wei Lun, his relationships have become a attention with the media. Everyone could see that, although it is like this, he seldom show the black face. Da S and he will not avoid the paparrazzi when shopping. Among the four, he is the most honest with his love.
In his new drama, Silence, he is successful in his career. Recently, in the trailer that's going about online shows a scene of him crying in the car, many felt for him when they watch it. His acting skills have improved, it could be the love life that's helping him.
Vanness Wu
Vanness is the only one among F4 to be single eyelid, ABC and who can dance the best in them. Compared to the other 3, he is a little different. Too bad, his name is always the least mentioned. And whenever his name is mentioned, it will always be accompanied by his ex-girlfriend, Vivian Hsu.
Seeing that all the other F4 is showing results, Vanness doesn't seem to be able to keep up. In fact, he is the most talented one but the time, place and people are just different. After Meteor Garden, although he went to HK to flim Star Runner, box office didn't do great too.
He seems to be walking even closer to Nicky Lee, Ji Mi, Jeffery Huang and Stanley Huang. Maybe he is locked to be developing in the album arena, to be able to walk out of the other 3 and have his own sky.
Thanks to Singpao.
7th Feb 2006

5:48 PM
I am In LOVE with JERRY