Tuesday, February 21, 2006
2005 Pepsi New Stars Music Training Camp
Jerry would be attending.
Date : 21st Feb 2006
Venue : HK Hong Kan Du Hui Hai Mian Hotel Papio
Source : neko @ fc-f4ever
Fan Account of Arrival from Shanghai to HK Airport
posted by : vivayou123 of hkjerry.com (thanks)
First of all, sorry to all that I have to type in English. My computer at the shop acts funny whenever I call up my writing board, so I thought I'll write the report in English first and do a translation later if I have the time. If not, hee hee! Make up one yourselves!
I was told that Jeryy's plane arrived at 10:10am. So I went over at around 9:55am
At first, we were not sure whether Jerry will come out from the usual exit or not, but when jms reported that securestar staff had showed up at the B exit, we moved over.
It was surprising to see all those familiar faces. It is afterall a normal working day. But Jerry's fans is an unusual group as we all know, so we ended up having close to a hundred people at the airport today!!!
Come on ladies, give yourselves a big round of applause!!!!
Actually the most asked question we had was, " Didn't you say you weren't coming this morning?"
Well, what else can we say? This is the power of Jerry's attraction!
There were about 15 security staff.
Jms gathered around the railings outside the B exit as well as the usual area near the "water fountain". (Do I ever see water coming out from there? Seems not. But that's how people call that area.)
A policeman passed by and asked who was coming. We told him and he started telling other collegues.
That's a bit nosy for a policeman!
Anyway, we were drawing attention from passers by.
A man told his girlfriend, "Jerry Yan!"
His girlfriend replied," He's a handsome guy."
Good on you sweety, you sure have good taste!
Jerry came out at around 10:40am
No hat. No glasses. Smiled and waved.
He was wearing his jacket. (the one he was wearing when he left Hong Kong. )
Black polo shirt and black pants. White shoes with some blue at the front.
He walked slowy and smiled all the way. He did receive presents that were given to him.
When he arrived at the staircase, he stopped and talked to Fenny. Then smiled and waved to us.
Many of the jms followed him until he boarded his van.
In general, Jerry was in a good mood but was probably a bit tired. He didn't put up any big gestures but looked friendly and cheerful all the way through.
Hope this report is good enough for you girls.
Oral B Shanghai Pics
Thanks to HK Image Online.
Extra Note : To people who are taking the below translation, DO make sure you ONLY CREDIT
Xiujuan @ http://onlyf4.proboards48.com for the translation. No extra credits should be given and no changes must be made to the translation. Thanks for your cooperation.
Doesn't Give in when Fans Sides Idol, Zaizai & Jerry's flower baskets creates quarrells
F4, who have not appeared in HK for a long time, had fans who wanted to add to their big start. The night before, they sent more than 10 flower baskets to the scene of the event. Among, Jerry Yan's fans were the warmest, sending a total of 18 flower baskets congratualting him. Zaizai also had 10 flower baskets of his own. As fans did not inform the crew of this before, it created a small commotion. In between, fans fought for the placement of their flower baskets. Luckily, it ended in harmony.
F4 fans also did other stuffs like doing different kind of banners. Among, Jerry and Zaizai's ones were the most eye-catching. Even on the 2nd and 3rd floor of the mall, we could still see their banners. They seldom get to meet their fans and both of them appeared happy.
We cannot say anything of fans supporting their idol but they have to take note of their action and words. The night before at the F4 press conference, after a small thingy happened. It was said it happened because many fans sent flower baskets to congratulate their idol. A batch of Jerrys' first arrived and the rest arrived abit later. A female fan who named herself as a Jerry Yan fan blocked the door of the place. Her attitude wasnt good and started to "speeching" to the crew there, saying that she didn't want other flower baskets to be blocking Jerrys' ones. After they debated for awhile, the crew could not help but say, "Why are all these fans so evil!"
As the place is abit small, it is bound to be blocking the flower baskets. As Jerry's flower baskets were the most, it will definately be seen. As fans who support your idol, they should be polite to the crew there. People are only there for work, people who create trouble will only shame your idol. If this gets to your idol's ears, they won't be happy too.
Thanks to Singdao.
21st Feb 2006
Pls. do not repost to non-jerry fansites..
post of kkla @ nbbbs.com re: above issue
First of all, the name of the Singtao's reporter is called Yi Luo . (Sounds familiar? Please think about the name of the female lead character in another F1's last drama). It is not surprised that may be some Singtao reporters are fond of another F1 based on the amount and the way news has been reported. However, no one expects that one can go this far using one's position at work.
Second of all, like Sibala (of nbbbs.com) wrote,
1) Jerry's fans (including nbbbs and hkjerry) had discussed and confirmed with APM and the host organization regarding the flowers arrangement two days ago, including the placement of the flowers baskets from Jerry's fans on the day of the press conference.
2) On the day of the press conference, it was the staff who decided the placement of the flowers baskets'. As the number of flowers baskets from Jerry's fans is a lot, it had filled up one side of the stage. On the other hand, the flowers baskets from another F1's fans didn't arrive until when the press conference almost started (may be because they didn't think of buying any flowers baskets until seeing the ones from Jerry's fans). When theirs arrived late, after the staff assigned them to put their flowers baskets on the other side of the stage (for instance, the ones which arrived earlier were placed on the left side and theirs were on the right side), they insisted to put theirs in front of the ones from Jerry and other fans which arrived much much earlier. That's when they were informed the correct placement of their flowers baskets (assigned by the staff) and not to block others which had arrived much earlier than theirs. Other fans' flowers baskets? Yes, among the 28 flowers baskets, 18 were from Jerry's fans, but another F1 didn't get all the other 10 as Yi Luo reported, as Vanness and Xiao Tian's fans also sent some.
Like Sibala wrote, is it wrong to arrive earlier? Is it wrong to be well-prepared? Is it wrong to make arrangement with the host organization ahead of time? Or is it really who whins first and who gets the pity? ...May be next time we can arrive the latest, it doesn't matter whether we are not prepared or not, and we can ignorantly decide what we want to do...as there is no difference, right? We are always the one to be blamed anyway? =P
kkla: I think blaming the responsibility of lacking preparation on someone else due to jealousy is bad, but using one's position at work to discredit someone else for personal matters is even worse. Based on the past experiences, after each F4's event, Jerry and Jerry's fans are always blamed by another F1's fans for a lot of things, one for sure is doing too good. In order to avoid this in the future, one way is for Jerry to have his individual appearance/projects in the future. Whenever Jerry shows up by himself, there is no problem.
The Controversial Flower Baskets...
Credit: Jerryce of www.jerry-ilya.com
thanks to kkla of nbbbs
In the thread, Joyce clearly explained that approval was obtained from APM and the related PR company for this event regarding the placement of the flowers baskets. The fans at the press conference could see and know what really happened.
At APM - Presscon Site

5:39 PM
I am In LOVE with JERRY