Saturday, December 10, 2005
The Fifth Annual Top Ten Chinese Ad. News Series
Most Popular Product Spokesperson
This is a poll set up by the China Advertising Online, International Advertising magazine, China Business Daily, CCTV market research, and various media organizations. Entering its 5th year, this is the most influential and authoritative top ten list in the advertising industry in China.
This is a very, very important poll. A good showing for ZaiZai in this will be seen by businesses corporations as evidence of his good image with the masses and, most importantly, his marketability as a product endorser.
Voting is until December 31, 2005. Multiple voting is allowed after a one-hour interval.
How to vote: 1. Go to
Scroll down. ZaiZai's name is the 42nd from the top, or 14th from the last. The entry reads ---> ÖÜÓåÃñ (à¸à¸ÄÌÌÇ¡¢°ÙÊ¿ÉÀÖºØËê°æ)
ZaiZai is entered for WoWo Milk Candy and the Chinese New Year Pepsi ad campaign.
(click the thumbnails to see bigger pics)

2. Check the box beside ZaiZai's name, and scroll down to the bottom of the page. Click the left button to submit your vote, and the right button to view the poll results so far.

Thanks to grendel of Vicpower
2:36 AM
I am In LOVE with JERRY