Friday, December 09, 2005

Thanks to peggypeggy of Vicpower

the full Pepsi 9 stars photo, from left: Ken, ZZ, Vanness, Jerry, Jay Chou, Louis Koo, Edison Chen. Nicholas Tse, Jolin.
thanks to mikaylaaubrey of faithful4ever
Jerry Related News
Rain and Jay Chou change from enemies to allies
Posted: December 8, 2005
Popular Korean idol Rain is officialy apart of the "Pepsi Family," along with F4, Jay Chou, Jolin Tsai, Louis Koo, Nicholas Tse and Edison Chen. They are now known as a "perfect" group. Rain will be going to HK on the 27th for a press conference. One of Pepsi's endorsers, ZZ, was very happy to hear that Rain has become a member.
This year Aaron Kwok and Sammi Cheng dropped out of the "Pepsi Family" and Louis Koo and Nicholas Tse was added. And with the addition of Rain, this year is quite a show.
Rain will be attending a press conference in HK on Dec. 27th to meet 3,000 fans. Yesterday Pepsi released new photos of their current 9 stars. They all dressed in black. Jerry Yan, who was rumored to leave F4, will be working with F3 in the new commercial.
Now that Rain is apart of Pepsi, the group is described to be "perfect." Within the group Rain and Jay are said to be "enemies." In the coming year they might have a chance of workign together. Rain expressed that he took notice of the commercial the 9 Pepsi stars filmed in Jordan and their "blue hair" images. Both sides had much consideration for many months and he looks forward to working with the other endorsers.
As for ZZ (Vic Chou) who attended a "Meet&Greet" in Guangzhou earlier was asked about the addition of Rain. ZZ expressed that he was really happy and hoped that the family will grow bigger and bigger. As for whether or not he'll ask Rain to teach him how to dance ZZ said, "I won't learn from Rain because I've tried really hard before. I put a lot of effort and time into it but in the end I couldn't dance. I can't dance like Vanness so I won't learn!"
Source: Sing Tao
Translated by Amy of Faithful 4ever - Please give the proper credits when posting this elsewhere
12:36 AM
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