Sunday, November 20, 2005
November 17, 2005

Bao Long Fighter
Korea's famous on-line game software "Shen Zhi Ling Yu Shou Bu Qu Devil Island " who pictured "Bao Long" Jerry Yan as the Asian superman, especially invited him to be the popular on-line game's ambassador. Because of being a foreign model and for his international appeal, Dian Wan company designed a Dain Wan character part "fighter" and "Bao Long" becoming the living "fighter" with virtual local and world-wide fans side by side conducting, taking a risk for a break!
Jerry is also a Dain Wan fan. In shootings or recording songs, he even goes to the computer during breaks and plays "San Guo Zhi," immediately immerses himself on-line and "aggressively" bursts into a kill. Not having thoughts of ending it, he himself also becomes a living Dain Wan character "Bao Long Fighter". Jerry said, " This fighter, I think his hair looks like mine, and I havent thought that his personality would also look very similar to mine, with firm Bao Long physical looks. Actually, my heart is more of a Xiao Bai Tu type, sensitive. Also, advanced on-line plays and my own "role" fight hand to hand, the more I play, the more I am interested."
Jerry Yan, on being the famous ambassador of this part in "Shen Zhi Ling Yu Shou Bu Qu Devil Island",would make Korea's Dian Wan market rank No. 1. Because Korea attacks to penetrate Taiwan, this on-line game will be formally launched in the Taiwanese market this Sunday. On December 1, at 2 pm, Jerry Yan will transform himself into a "fighter" , to appear in 2 of Taipei's establishment to a "Shen Zhi Ling Yu" stage.
Translated by Jerry's Kingdom Message Board. Thank you for the credits.
3:19 AM
I am In LOVE with JERRY