Sunday, November 20, 2005

thanks to kkla for providing bits n pieces of translation....
Really thanks A4j for producing/uploading those files, so both Chinese and non-Chinese fans can watch these wonderful clips.
Jerry once said that before he joined the show business, he used to be "the commander" of his group of friend, as he led actions and he attended to details. He has that nickname also because he looks very seriously when he doesn't smile. At the beginning of the clip, when he was signing autographs, I guess the reporter may be new, she didn't know how to start a conversation, and Jerry was concentrating on signing (He said that he wanted to make sure that every one looked good, as a signature could represent a person). Finally, the reporter talked about weather. Then even Jerry couldn't help smiling and wondering why the reporter was talking about weather. Now you understand why one famous producer who knows Jerry says that Jerry is cool from the bone, meaning that Jerry's cool image in front of the camera is not an act (some actors try to act cool in front of the camera to just look like they have characters.) This proves that Jerry is really a combination of contradiction. When facing the reporters, he is serious, tensed, and careful, but he is with fans, he teases, and he is funny, shy, and gentle. He is so cool but he is also very sentimental. He is a leader but he is like a child a lot of times.
Yes, he tried some cold jokes. Nice try but ...
One scene when fans shouted to him, "YCX, you are very handsome." He turned around and told the reporter, "See, they said YCX, you are so bad." (the pronounciation of bad and handsome are close in Mandarin)
During the fans gathering dinner, remember seeing Jerry touching his stomach? Actually, he had stomach ache that day.
When he was interviewed next to the window, Jerry said that he didn't have make-up on. The reporter said that she didn't notice the difference. Jerry also said that in every hotel room he has stayed in different countries, he could almost see the same view from the window. The view of the city where he was staying at the moment. However, most of the time, that was the only view he could see when staying in the country, the view from a window. He would playfully blame the staff who successfully sneaked out.
He also mentioned when he firstly met with unfamiliar people, his natural reaction was to act cool and not to talk much, as he didn't know what to say, so sometimes he was easily misunderstood. He joked that he might have media-phobia at this time. Regardless, he is trying to improve his social skills with unfamiliar people. However, he is still nervous during performance and public functions. When he doesn't have good interaction with the host, he may be slightly embarassed on stage and doesn't know what to say, like a dummie.
BTW, next to window, he also promoted Zai's new drama "Silence" for Zai and hoped that the audiences would support it.
In the park, he mentioned that sometimes when finished working at the outdoors filming sites, he also liked to walk around alone for awhile. That moment is very important for him to relax, to clear his mind, and to release his pressure.
Additional transcripts of the TVBSG clips posted at faithful4ever....
compiled from questions by melanthe and from the answers provided by kkla and mikaylaubrey
1. what did he say at the MyFM radio interview segment to make the audience laugh?
kkla: At the beginning of the MyFm Radio interview, he asked the audiences (some fans there), "Has MyFm played my songs?" The audiences cheered, "Yeah." Then a fan complimented his first solo album, "The songs of your first solo album are very good." Then he asked, "Is it true?" Then a fan asked him when he would start producing his second solo album. He said that the process had started already. He hopes to find some special songs and to improve his singing skills. He said, "I hope to find some songs that will make you cry when you hear them." (cold joke again?)
2. i don't see any staff badges with "Starr Jerry" on them as "reported" by the media. Is this another nonsense story?
kkla: I didn't see anything with "Star Jerry" on the clips. According to the reporters, some reporters received business cards with "Star Jerry" during the trip.
3. observation: from watching the basketball game in one fan's clip, i think he deliberately "lost" the game so the fan could win coz when the host asked him to shoot another basket at the end of the segment, he sank the ball effortlessly . Beautiful shot!
4. what did he say about F3 (besides Zaizai, he also mentioned Vanness & Ken)?
mikaylaaubrey: On the part of F3, Jerry mentioned that the 4 of them dont meet often as they are all so busy with their own work & as most times, not all 4 are in Tw at the same time with Vanness in US, Ken & ZZ at times in China for filming.
kkla: Then the reporter asked why he didn't use the MSN. He said that he didn't use MSN, as he typed very slowly, like one minute for each word, so no one wanted to talk to him on MSN. Then the reporter asked, "May be just use the facial expression icons?" He answered, "I don't know how to use. Actually most of the time I am busy working."
5. what was his answer when fans asked him if he would be promoting Oral B in Thailand & coming to Japan for a concert?
kkla: The clips didn't provide any information on the Thailand Oral B trip or the Japan concert.
6. how he can be so shuai when he's sick? - Ooops, sorry, stupid question ! hahaha! when i fall sick, i look like....never mind
kkla: When he rehearsed for the fans gathering dinner, he told the reporter that his ear phone kept falling off, so he needed to hold it the whole time. He said if he couldn't hear the sound from the ear phone, he felt insecure. Then before he started "One Meter", he asked the reporter, "Do I look tired, huh?" The reporters at the press conference kept asking me. They asked me whether I have lose weight. Is it that obvious?" (his face was like a child while talking to the reporter)
other transcripts provided by kkla:
When he was signing autographs, the reporter asked him whether he wanted anyone's autograph when he was young. At first he answered, "Hmm, I didn't think much of it when I was young...I just like sports...Oh yeah, may be Michael Jordon's." He also joked that he liked to compete with Michael.
After he finished signing autographs, he poured out some herbal paste-water mixed and he explained that it was prepared by the staff for him due to his recent, busy schedule. So the reporter asked him whether he usually took good care of his throat. He answered, "No, I don't." Then he joked, "As I believe that being natural is beauty." (Whenever he jokes, you can see the smile on his face.)
At the secondary school, when Jerry gave out the autographed tees to the students on stage, when it was the chubby boy's turn (the one with glasses), Jerry was very naughty and he teased the boy, "Isn't this too small for you?" Why didn't he say this to that boy? If you understand, then you understand. If you don't, no need to ask me. Haha...
After he finished rehearsing for the fans gathering dinner, he told the reporter, "See my voice is hoarse just after singing one song." (He seems to be bothered by this. I think may be he doesn't use his voice correctly.)
After he visited little Jin Ren, the reporter asked him whether the visit made him down and when it came to moment like that, how he managed not to keep himself down. Jerry said that actually Jin Ren gave him positive inspiration, so he should work hard and keep going.
2:11 AM
I am In LOVE with JERRY