Sunday, August 15, 2004

Taipei Xi Men Ding (15th August, 2004) ... amp;event=20040815o

Check out Tungstar's picture at the link above!

Yan Cheng Xu [Asia Embraces Jerry Pre-order Stamping Event]

Artist: Yan Cheng Xu
Venue: Taipei
Time: 2004-08-15

[Jerry's Storm] attacked Sunday (8/15)'s Xi Men Ding afternoon,
[Asia Embraces Jerry Pre-order Stamping Event] had 5,000 fans from
all nations squeezed together in temperature as high as 36 degrees.
They were shouting [Embrace Jerry's First Time, Jerry and I zero
distance] slogan together, furthermore with "people mountain, people
sea" of fans , Jerry Yan Cheng Xu's nevertheless created again the
grandeur of F4's Autograph Session of the yesteryear!

Jerry Yan Cheng Xu's [First Time] broke four records, his super
charm attracted the entire Xi Men Ding!

1. [First Time] Fans amount coming from different nations is the
highest ever. [Asia Embraces Jerry Pre-order Stamping Event] really
was a [World Fans Participants], fans from USA, Canada, Japan,
Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, Phillippines, Thailand, Indonesia, Hong
Kong and even fans from Argentina booked ten tour buses quasi [Army
of 10 countries], openly [attacked] the entire Xi Men Ding, which
increased the event's total participants to 5000 people! The
interesting part is, Korean fans even formed a special [Jerry Tour
Group], touring schedule includes [Sony Records Company], Fu Long
Managing Company, Xi Men Ding Rose Records Store, etc etc, every
single location is for Jerry!

2. [First Time] Media Reporters amount is the highest ever!: Not
only did fans come from all over the world, media reporters from
different nations came this day from far away to report on Jerry,
the [Asia's Small King]'s pre-order grand event. With different
languages it seemed like we were in a whirlwind United Nations
Event! One point that deserves attention is, due to the huge number
of media, the already-enlarged stage was unable to withstand the
weight, causing one of its corners to give way. The record company
workers impromptu asked people to fix the stage, which delayed the
stamping event by 30 minutes!

3. Record-breaking stamping event because it is the first time ever
that an event is fined for [High Volume Screaming]. Jerry Yan Cheng
Xu's TaiPei stamping event with support from [Army of 10 nations],
groups lined up in long lines, while waiting off stage they were
collectively screaming their lungs out, managed to reach volume
decibels comparable to a concert! This caused Sony record company to
record-breakingly fined for [Noise]. Workers did not know how to
react to this, whether to laugh or cry!

4. First time ever in a singer's stamping event, whilst the stamping
event is still going on, every single record stores were out of
stock, a super record! There were huge number of fans, many fans
bought 70 cds at one time causing record companies to go out of
stock. This is a record because it is the first time ever that a
singer's albums go out of stock before the event is over. This
unique record proves yet again Jerry Yan Cheng Xu's endless allure,
his popularity is incredible!

Jerry Yan Cheng Xu's superstar appearance at the event caused fans
to be too high almost violent reactions, over 100 student workers
and workers were not able to sustain the crowd, this caused the
event to start in the highest note at the very beginning! ! To
enable Jerry and fans to have not only one meter distance but with
zero distance with them, the record company specially envisaged
Jerry to enter the event using red carpet. This unexpectedly pushed
fans emotions to the highest point, jostled against one another,
caused disorder, even their workers clothes were torn. Jerry's hair
was pulled and some fans touched his rear-end. He nearly did not
managed to get on stage! Important to note that besides insuring him
with a 50,000,000 accident insurance premium, his record company
hired 80 student workers to line up along the red carpet to put
order into the event, to give Jerry's event an international
superstar pompness!

Besides today's thousands of {XU supporters], Taiwan's most
beautiful hostess Hou to especially showed her support by presenting
him with flowers as encouragement. This handsome couple was a sight
for fans to go into madness! Because they are from the same managing
company, and since her last interview with Jerry, Hou Hostess
appeared in the day's event as the "Mysterious Fans". She admires
Jerry's determination and perfectionist spirit while making his
first album. Wearing a white dress, Hostess Hou even bought two
albums at the event to sought Jerry's signature! Jerry was touched!

From Tungstar. Translated by Jerryjeans of Overseas

Please feel free to transfer with full credit to original authors.

10:16 PM

I am In LOVE with JERRY

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Location: Manila, Philippines
Hobbies: Jerry lol

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Previous Post

  • [Download] AZIO + TVBSG (Aug 13)and others
  • Jerry at TVBSG
  • Mia photo
  • Download-updated Preorder promo
  • Jerry Shy When Filming MV
  • One meter MV screencaps
  • Jerry at Jolin's concert
  • Jerry's One meter MV
  • Jerry's album local premiere
  • 988fm malaysia jerry's word
  • Memories

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    Aside from singing, what would you like Jerry to do on his upcoming concert?
    Play a piano
    Sexy dance
    A duet with one fortunate fan
    Strip his shirt and throw to the fans
    Free polls from




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