Wednesday, February 28, 2007
As transcribed and translated from audio recording.{&H]Vt};U
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Host Jun Wei, abbreviated as Wei.¨¥©Ó¦°´äÆW ¥@¬É³s½uCP:E9o:aS
kWS1V|ntWwww.nbbbs.comWei : I would like to welcome all of you to World Vision International Singapore. I feel that the gathering that we have here today is a coming-together of love. All of you are here because everyone has a common concern especially for our Star of the Day. Could you please give the friend who is sitting beside you a hand to thank her for coming? I love it, who are those screaming? Put your hands up! But don¡¦t go ¡¥There! There! She is the one who screamed!¡¦. I hope that everyone can feel like you are at home today. In fact we are all here for a very special reason and so we have especially invited all of you here. It feels like a very intimate gathering.
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:d0J*`3M%XN+B4MThis is a very exclusive gathering that we have here this morning and we'd like to first of all also thank World Vision International Singapore. ¤j®a¤@°_¬°®i±æ·|³o»ò¨¯W¤u§@ªº¨C¦ì¤Hû¤@ÂI´xÁn¦n¤£¦n¡MÁÂÁÂ¥LÌ¡C§Ú¬Ý¨ì¥L̫ܦhÓ³£¬O²´·ú¸~¸~ªº¡M¬Q±ß¤W¤j·§¨SºÎ¦n°Õ¡MµM«á¤@ª½n·Ç³Æ¤µ¤Ñ¦¤Wªº»E·|¡C§Ú¬O§g°¶¡M¤µ¤Ñ¦¤W·|¬°¤j®a¥D«ù³oÓ»E·|¡M¨º§Æ±æ¤j®a§b¤@·|¨à¡M¦b²{³õªº®ÉÔ¯à°÷§ó¿ãÅD¤@¨Ç¡C
7B]'MN3c9heB?4y$k/e vThis is a very exclusive gathering that we have here this morning and we'd like to first of all also thank World Vision International Singapore. Let¡¦s give some applause to thank our hardworking World Vision personnel. I can see many of them still have puffy eyes. In preparation for today, all of them are lacking in sleep. I am Jun Wei and I will host this gathering today so I hope that everyone will react more lively later on.
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Can I teach everyone 2 sounds? We see many photos and Jerry too. He is at. . . . . .Oh! Someone is screaming again, who is it? Don¡¦t point and go ¡¥Here! Here! Here!¡¦ she is so embarrassing!¡¦ No that actually. That¡¦s so spontaneous, so passionate! Looking at the photos, we feel all warm inside. In hearts there is a feeling that gets rapidly sent to our whole bodies and our pores are opened. So would everyone like to do a warm-up with me? Let have a try, when you look at some images, you are moved and you will feel so from your heart. I¡¦ll count to 1, 2, 3, everyone sigh, a very gentle ¡¥ah¡¦. . . . . .That¡¦s great! I hope everyone has brushed their teeth this morning? Did anyone forget? If you smell any. . . . . different kind of smell just point to that person ¡¥Here! Here! Here!¡¦ Ok, 1, 2, 3. ah . . . . . .That¡¦s find actually. Ha ha! It was like rushing for the bus and the journey was too long and you are tired so ¡¥ah¡¦. It¡¦s a tired kind of ¡¥ah¡¦. I hope that there are more emotions. When you see Jerry on the screen and he is carrying a little one and he feels saddened by the surroundings. That is the mood and the scenario so we would go, 1, 2, 3 ah. . . . . .Ha ha! More emotions this time.x._w-bj
Zah!w7l!NY sOk, another sound is like when Jerry does something exceptional and we are so encouraged and so we hope that he would be a representative to influence more. That kind of astonishment that stems from the heart, WOW! Let¡¦s try, 1, 2, 3, WOW! Ha ha! WOW! I can hear a ¡¥soprano¡¦ WOW as there are ladies present. That¡¦s great.
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I hope that all of you can release your emotions and moods as we are here to spread this very important message. When you were walking in here today, you could have seen the leaflets and advertisement posters and you would notice ¡¥World Vision International Singapore¡¦. In fact the World Vision has helped very many children and it has this Child-Sponsor Program. Under this Child-Sponsor Program, all it requires is only $45 a month. You could ponder a little, you buy 2 CDs and that¡¦s $45. You buy a skirt, it¡¦s also $45. You have a meal at quite a nice restaurant and maybe with another person, it is $45 too. It is a very small amount but yet it is enough to sponsor a child in Asia or Africa. And it is not just him alone but his entire month¡¦s expenses. Under the World Vision International Singapore ~ Child Sponsorship Program, this $45 not only helps the child and his surrounding people too.
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t)j9v%f&YpYI¡¦ve been the Africa with World Vision before and I realized hoe to $45 could be only the price of 2 CDs but for 30 whole days, for a month it could help the entire village. There is a Cantonese phrase ~ xian chuen yan, when we hear that in Cantonese it sounds so exaggerated. How could this help xian chuen yan, a whole village of people? But when I was over there, it was really so. For $45, that child can go to school, he make a choice whether to drink dirty water or not drink at all, be ill and eventually may even face death. If that $45 can help him, he not only can drink clean water, he can eat nutritious food as well. The people around him can be helped and his family won¡¦t be so worse off.
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Finally what¡¦s important is that we can help his xian chuen yan, his entire village to have grain, tools and have a means of survival. This morning we hope when everyone sees your Idol, you could also get a feel of what he has gone through in Mongolia. Not just for a child or the Sponsored Children or the more than 10 kids that Jerry sponsored but the spread the message. Is everyone ready with your emotions and your voices? Let¡¦s welcome. . . . . . ah! Who is it? Not a single sound? Here! Here! It¡¦s him! We are very happy to announce Asia¡¦s First Child Sponsor Spokesperson, let¡¦s welcome Jerry Yen.
1:43 PM
I am In LOVE with JERRY