Drama series "The Hospital" charity premiere is confirmed to be held at Aug 13 in Taiwan. We sincerely invite all fans and friends to support Jerry and at the same time also contribute your strength to charity.
Fans gathering date and venue to be confirmed. For overseas fans convenience, we will coordinate with other parties to arrange the gathering date close to "The Hospital" charity premiere.
We will announce the date and time once confirmed. Thank you for your support and cooperation.
The long anticipated drama series "The Hospital" is confirmed to be hosted starting August 15. Correlated promotion schedule is still under discussion, and there is no confirmation on any programme at the moment, please wait for our official announcement.
Understand there may be a lot of fans from overseas coming to support Jerry, we also hoped to take advantage of this opportunity to arrange Jerry to have the similar type of gathering like two years ago with everybody, the timing and format are yet to determine. We will try our best to fit the gathering on the same weekend of drama promotion for overseas fans convenience.
We need to collect the number of fans who are interested to come to Taiwan by Jul 15 latest.
Updates: Jerry has just finished Mia's advertisement photo shooting, and is recording the theme song for "The Hospital" at present. He will attend a show in Indonesia on July 22. We will announce his work schedule one after another after confirmation
ps: If you have any suggestions or questions before Jerry's official website is established, you may email them to this email address: fennyhsieh@gmail.com Starjerry's staff will squeeze out some time to reply as much as possible.
10:37 PM
I am In LOVE with JERRY
About me
Name: Karen
Location: Manila, Philippines
Hobbies: Jerry lol