àÅ¡£¡£ÒòžéÏà™CµÄÓ›‘›ów²»‰ò£¬ËùÒÔÖ»Óв¿·Ö¡£ ÎÒ¬FÔÚҪȥ¼tð^ßMÐеڶþˆö¿¼²ì¡£¸÷λêþêþ£¬²»ÒªÌ«ÏëÎÒร¡ (kkla: A4J indicates that she could only film part of it as there is not enough memory on her digital camera.)
Download] Hong Kong Report 1 : : F4 Forever (Mar 22, 2006)
** Please feel free to transfer this post in full, including all the pics. and words - it's a basic courtesy. Kindly credit Action 4 Jerry (do not add any website nor club names). **
1. Hong Kong Report 1 : : F4 Forever (Mar 22, 2006)
I took this with my DC, so do be good and don't complain, lah! The last bit was shaky not because a certain someone went down with a bang but due to an extremely excited Miss next to me
Download clip: Please download from only ONE of the links.
Action 4 Jerry, not associated with any fan clubs. Self-made clip[s] guaranteed. Please feel free to post the above download link[s] elsewhere. Do let the Jerry-addicted virus spread via the Internet.
4:30 PM
I am In LOVE with JERRY
About me
Name: Karen
Location: Manila, Philippines
Hobbies: Jerry lol