Tuesday, December 27, 2005
Thrifty guy but generous to others, car money got absconded by friend, pays for friend's wife alimony fees
Jerry Yan can also be known as a Santa Claus, sending gifts to people throughout the years. Rumoured that he bought a house for Lin Chiling at Ba De Road is nothing, even his friend's wife alimony fees, other people girlfriend dream bed, he is willing to fork it all. He was also cheated by his trusted friend of his money.
Being a Capricon, Jerry Yan is known for his thrifty nature. He is now still driving a 10 yr old car, sometimes still rides his bike. But no doubt, this nature only applies to himself and not to this friends and mum. That is the reason why alot of people will make use of this character of his, as long as he sees you as a friend, he will believe whatever you say.
The most absurd would have to be he being nearly cheated off his money by this trusted friend. Initially he wanted to buy a Benz and hire a driver so as to facilitate transport for his mum. But his mum reprimaned him saying that he is being wasteful. Being a filial son, he didnt buy the car, and left the relevant documents with his friend. In the end, his friend ran off with his money. This was settled only when a rather influential manager in the entertainment industry help him settle this.
Another time he wanted to buy a small house for his mum. Close friend introduced him his relative to be his agent. However the agent quoted him a price much much higher than the market rate forcing him to buy. Luckily this scam was seen through by another friend, preventing Jerry from falling into the trap. Previously there was this friend that cried that he has no money to pay alimony fees, Jerry gave him a sum of money, the last heard was he bought a new house.
Last year, Jerry went shopping with old army friends at a furniture store. His friend spotted a bed and said:" My girlfriend loves this kind of bed."Jerry didnt respond on the spot. But on Christmas eve, the bed was delivered to his friend's house. That bed was worth almost 5 times more than Jerry's own bed! In the end, the friend's house was too small, the bed can't get in, he exchanged for a smaller bed and with the leftover, he bought new furnitures.
This is is way of loving his friends. Action speaks louder than words.A primary school friend who was good to him, but in dire states now, he helped him by employing him to be a driver. Jerry's assistant was with him for three years, working hard without greivances, he gave a 50Èf big red packet during new year. Gifts that he received from fans, he would spend time aranging and sending them to charitable organisations, he also uses other names to adopt many kids.
His friends feel that its easy for him to earn money, making use of his gullible nature, its easy to cheat him. At the end of the day, only his mum can be trusted. Jerry Yan said:" I work hard only to give my mum a better life" However his mum will always help him to save the money that he gives her in order for his marriage in future. Jerry Yan said he can only resort to playing dices with his mum to purposely lose to her, only then will she take the money.
Credits to Fin from www.nbbbs.com
Karen: Oh Jerry You're too good to be true! That's why you are so blessed!
Other related news
Jerry's kind & generous heart
as Posted @ http://s2.invisionfree.com/faithful4ever
thanks to melanthe
There is a news at UDN site today about Jerry's kind & generous heart. The reporter says that he is an artist who has remained simple from the old days until today no change, despite gaining more money & fame - still uses his old motorbike & simple house. But where frens and family are concerned, he is SO SO SO generous
. He gives money to his mom all the time, she is also a simple person & does not want to spend on herself, so she says "i'll save the money in case he needs it one day"... When he plays games with his mother he will purposely lose so he has to pay her a "fine"
. He donates a lot to charity but mostly anonymously. Whenever a friend is in trouble / mentions that they need or like something, he will quietly give money or buy the thing without any fuss. He is so kind that he has sometimes been deceived by friends who know of his kind heart (aaaahhhh!, how could they??)
first posted by a1968 at nbbbs.com
12:42 AM
I am In LOVE with JERRY