Tuesday, December 27, 2005
posted by omo @ faithful4ever
It's actually a very good report, especially coming from China Times Weekly, who used to write very negatively about Jerry. In their 1323 edition (some time in 2004 before Jerry's album was released), China Times Weekly reported that Jerry got mad in the recording room, threw the microphone, and yelled at the production crew. This report was totally untrue. Just because the reporter didn't know Jerry well, he/she shouldn't irresponsilibily point fingers at him. In this article, the reporter apologized to Jerry for their previous misreporting and for causing him grievance.
The rest of the article is pretty much a recap of the reports written earlier this month. That Jerry is much more relaxed these days and even joked with reporters (he said he has thick skin which is why he doesn't have skin problems regardless of what he eats). He doesn't use the web and hasn't use his e-mail account over a year. He only got his I-pod recently. The craziest thing he did was going skimpy dipping in a villa in Bali. That Jerry is extremely popular overseas. It's no doubt he is the respresentative of Taiwan stars overseas. His products are the best selling among F4 in Japan's HMV chart. On the topic of the [The Hospital], Jerry said he still has room for improvement and wants to work with Director Cai to change his image. Filming [The Hospital] has also taught him to appreciate life. He's very happy to be working with great actors such Leon Dai, Saya, and Da Su. Working with them gives him a lot of pressure, but it's also very challenging. With their guidance, Jerry has improved greatly on his acting skills. There was one scene that Jerry and Leon Dai filmed for 4 to 5 hours until daylight and Jerry was determined to film until the director was satisfied even though he had to fly to China that very morning. Sometimes after the director called "cut", but if Jerry was not satisfied with the work, he would ask to take another round. Jerry is indeed a good and professional actor.
That's pretty much the whole report.
posted by kkla@nbbbs.com
According to BS Fan (a Japanese magazine), Feb. 06 issue, WT will be broadcasted in TW next February.
WT will have two versions:
International version: 38 episodes with 60 minutes per episode
TW version: 25 episodes with 90 minutes per episode
Thanks to A4j and Xiukou for the information.
kkla: Let's hope that February is the time.
11:35 PM
I am In LOVE with JERRY
Thrifty guy but generous to others, car money got absconded by friend, pays for friend's wife alimony fees
Jerry Yan can also be known as a Santa Claus, sending gifts to people throughout the years. Rumoured that he bought a house for Lin Chiling at Ba De Road is nothing, even his friend's wife alimony fees, other people girlfriend dream bed, he is willing to fork it all. He was also cheated by his trusted friend of his money.
Being a Capricon, Jerry Yan is known for his thrifty nature. He is now still driving a 10 yr old car, sometimes still rides his bike. But no doubt, this nature only applies to himself and not to this friends and mum. That is the reason why alot of people will make use of this character of his, as long as he sees you as a friend, he will believe whatever you say.
The most absurd would have to be he being nearly cheated off his money by this trusted friend. Initially he wanted to buy a Benz and hire a driver so as to facilitate transport for his mum. But his mum reprimaned him saying that he is being wasteful. Being a filial son, he didnt buy the car, and left the relevant documents with his friend. In the end, his friend ran off with his money. This was settled only when a rather influential manager in the entertainment industry help him settle this.
Another time he wanted to buy a small house for his mum. Close friend introduced him his relative to be his agent. However the agent quoted him a price much much higher than the market rate forcing him to buy. Luckily this scam was seen through by another friend, preventing Jerry from falling into the trap. Previously there was this friend that cried that he has no money to pay alimony fees, Jerry gave him a sum of money, the last heard was he bought a new house.
Last year, Jerry went shopping with old army friends at a furniture store. His friend spotted a bed and said:" My girlfriend loves this kind of bed."Jerry didnt respond on the spot. But on Christmas eve, the bed was delivered to his friend's house. That bed was worth almost 5 times more than Jerry's own bed! In the end, the friend's house was too small, the bed can't get in, he exchanged for a smaller bed and with the leftover, he bought new furnitures.
This is is way of loving his friends. Action speaks louder than words.A primary school friend who was good to him, but in dire states now, he helped him by employing him to be a driver. Jerry's assistant was with him for three years, working hard without greivances, he gave a 50Èf big red packet during new year. Gifts that he received from fans, he would spend time aranging and sending them to charitable organisations, he also uses other names to adopt many kids.
His friends feel that its easy for him to earn money, making use of his gullible nature, its easy to cheat him. At the end of the day, only his mum can be trusted. Jerry Yan said:" I work hard only to give my mum a better life" However his mum will always help him to save the money that he gives her in order for his marriage in future. Jerry Yan said he can only resort to playing dices with his mum to purposely lose to her, only then will she take the money.
Credits to Fin from www.nbbbs.com
Karen: Oh Jerry You're too good to be true! That's why you are so blessed!
Other related news
Jerry's kind & generous heart
as Posted @ http://s2.invisionfree.com/faithful4ever
thanks to melanthe
There is a news at UDN site today about Jerry's kind & generous heart. The reporter says that he is an artist who has remained simple from the old days until today no change, despite gaining more money & fame - still uses his old motorbike & simple house. But where frens and family are concerned, he is SO SO SO generous
. He gives money to his mom all the time, she is also a simple person & does not want to spend on herself, so she says "i'll save the money in case he needs it one day"... When he plays games with his mother he will purposely lose so he has to pay her a "fine"
. He donates a lot to charity but mostly anonymously. Whenever a friend is in trouble / mentions that they need or like something, he will quietly give money or buy the thing without any fuss. He is so kind that he has sometimes been deceived by friends who know of his kind heart (aaaahhhh!, how could they??)
first posted by a1968 at nbbbs.com
12:42 AM
I am In LOVE with JERRY
Translation of F4 real fashion check!
From princely looking young men to insignificant juvenile delinquents,
their men's looks, versatile and alluring, are all here for you to see!
A complete analysis of the four-men's charismata from the popular stylist, Fuyu-san, who have styled for many men's fashion magazines, big artists, current hot gorgeous actors. Perhaps, in spite of himself, he will nod and say "Oh, yes! I really like it there!"
A shot of four each shines with his own personality. Although they all wore dark suits, the shot clearly shows their different personalities.
"They all wore slender pants and looked trendy. Ken wore the necktie tightly around his neck. Vic wore his necktie loosely and had an accessory on his jacket breast. Jerry looked sensual wearing a shiny shirt and with a pocket chief and sunglasses. Vanness showed his personality, wearing a necklace but not a necktie. In Japan, people usually match thin and narrow neckties of matte tone with small-collar white shirts. The shiny neckties Ken and Vic wore subtly suggest that it's a Taiwan look. As for Jerry, the button pinned on his jacket looks to be a better combination with his shirt." (Fuyu-san)
The pure look of dressing in whichever they like looks cute
"The special characteristic of Asian male talents is to match tight tops with wide loose pants. The main stream of wearing pants with wide-diameter legs looks somewhat nostalgic. It's not just F4 dressing like this, it's also commonly shared by top stars of Hong Kong and Korea. However, today in Japan, the man stream is wearing tight jackets with thin pant legs. I feel that's where the difference is," said Fuyu-san.
As Japan and Taiwan are different places, it's natural for them to have different fashion trends.
"Because its preference with individual items and accessories, it sure feels carrying more power than the Japanese fashion which tends to place emphasis on balance."
Japanese well-dressed talents with a fashion mode covering the whole body look great, but the way they wear whatever they like and dash around confidently, saying "This fits me!", can be viewed as one of the reasons they look charming.
The person who set my stylist soul on fire is Vic!
"Among the four, the one I most want to style is Vic. Having a long neck and a slender figure, he will look great in anything. He has a refreshing atmosphere and I will suggest him wearing a thin suit with a knit turtleneck. I will also trim his hair slightly into a wolf-like hairdo. It's a big makeover!"
As Vic has a pure image, any taste of western clothes will suit him fine!! With big large dark eyes, his eye power will be enhanced multiple times. He will win even more fans than now. How I want to see him looking alluring and dressed fashionably!
Jerry carries a sexy atmosphere, I would very much like to fashion him in rock taste. As for brands, it will be something like Gucci kind of costumes. Furthermore, it fits him to look sexy in knit or jersey with his chest revealed. In terms of color, it should be in grown-up dark tone, which matches his long hair and atmosphere and will enhanced his charms.
He looks cute in casual wear, but still sexy Jerry looks the best. I would like to move him in this direction and take him to a sweeter world.
Is Vanness the one among the four with the most fashion mode? I feel he should stick to used denims, silver accessories, brass and belt. Recently the mainstream of Japan's men's-wear fashion is wearing used-look tops with low rider jeans and looking dirty, but Vanness should wear clothing items he likes in a clean way. While exuding an aroma of the B family, cleanness is the characteristics .
The reason to style him in items with Los Angeles flavor but in a Taiwanese clean way is to look trendy but with an approachable atmosphere.
For Ken, checker shirt and denim coordinates suit him very well. He's tall, so American style of used and manly clothes suits him to a T. Wouldn't he look very much himself, not overly rough with his hair growing a little bit longer and growing some beard on his face?
Come to think of it, he would look great with beard on his face. I've found him a nice style of looking grown-up and dependable, a little different than his characters in the dramas.
Vic in dark suit and brightly-colored jacket. With refreshing smiles, perfectly-fit tailored jackets would have fitted him!
"I think suits fit him, but the sizes of the jackets were wrong and the pants were too fat. They didn't look bad, but because of those, they feel like just something worn by normal white collars. The style of the suit without tie (lower left) looks younger. Nowadays, should fashionable people wear their jackets long or short? There are no set rules, but the jackets shouldn't look old. Dark fat pants look old-fashioned. Contrarily, if dressed with balance and wearing jackets of sizes that fit, according to the fashion mode, he would have looked very stylish."
End of "F4 real fashion check!"
source: cocochan (www.vicpower.net)
English translation: laiou ( www.vicpower.net)
12:31 AM
I am In LOVE with JERRY
Dec. 24, 2005:
According to Fenny, Jerry's assistant, from now on, if fans want to send anything to Jerry, please send them to the following address:
Grab ur pen and paper!!!!
Star Jerry's mailing address:
In Chinese -
‘ä–k ‘äàs
In English -
Mr. Jerry Yan
P.O.BOX 87-359 Taipei
Taipei City , Taiwan ( R.O.C.)
credit to kkla-nbbbs.com
Other news
On Jerry's New Year's Day Birthday, Fans Will Hold a Charity Walk
Source: http://www.wenweipo.com/news.phtml?news_id=EN0512250006&cat=011EN&PHPSESSID=33f978e700ced96c211c0783bb0eed67
December 25, 2005
A group of fans will hold a "Charity Walk" and prays for good luck. Jerry Yan was very appreciative.
On January 1 each year, Jerry says that it has a double significance. This day does not only start the new year, it is also his birthday. He is turning 29 years old, and on the same day, he will spend his birthday working, shooting Cai Yue Xun's new drama "The Hospital" because it is nearing its finishing stages. For this reason, given that excellent part, all havent got any vacation. However, a group of his fans then held a "Walk-For-A- Cause Competition". In additon to this, they would pray outside for his good fortune on the eve of his birthday. Also, they would use a good portion of the proceeeds to donate to Hong Kong and Taiwan Charities, to help the needy children.
For these, Jerry was deeply touched. He also praised and promised the group that he will try his best to produce a good medical professor role in his drama and wished for everyone's good health for the new year! He started to feel happy!! To congratulate him on his birthday, his fans then spontenously held a Charity Walk consisting of Hong Kong and Taiwan fans. At he start of the walk earlier, they released balloons into the sky filled with well wishes notes. " Good health! "Career Success! Happiness Everyday! " Most likely, the next Charity walk will place ticket proceeds, to be donated to Hong Kong World and Taiwan World Groups
Translated by Jerry's Kingdom Message Board. Thank you for the credits.
12:18 AM
I am In LOVE with JERRY
Jerry's message to Saya
Liberty times

Credit to mamy of nbbbs
English translation:
To: the professional Saya
your answer is already in my heart (don't tell other people)
hope you will forever maintain your sincere smile and sexy (bald head)
wish your album will have good sales
when you're free, visit the doctor again!
12:15 AM
I am In LOVE with JERRY
What will you do if you see a gorgeous guy crying in front of you like this?

Hush baby :(
12:11 AM
I am In LOVE with JERRY
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
replbq{width:100%} [Download] <'The Hospital' : The Trailer> : TW version
This video clip is provided for personal viewing only.
The copyright belongs to Yang Ming International Production.
You are free to redistribute the trailer on condition that you do not use it for commercial purpose.
In order to facilitate renewing download links, when you transfer this post, please directly transfer the website link below.
There is a China version ¡V it is basically similar, the differences being Simplified Chinese subtitles and the use of 'Lingdao' (Leader) for the President. If you wish to transfer the post to China non-Jerry forums or BBS, to avoid unnecessary unhappiness, please wait patiently for a few days for the clip to be processed and uploaded for sharing with everyone.
'The Hospital' is the joint effort and painstaking achievement of the entire production team. If this trailer is transferred to general forums or BBS, please take the stand of recommending the entire show, and not over-sell a certain individual.
So long as the show has good reviews and generates active discussion from viewers, the leading actor's star qualities, radiance and sparkle will naturally surface.
Please go to the homepage below to download (no need to register):
http://action4jerry.com/hospital_t_c8.htm ¡mCHINESE¡n
http://action4jerry.com/hospital_t_e8.htm ¡mENGLISH¡n
http://action4jerry.com/hospital_t_j8.htm ¡mJAPANESE¡n
NOTE : A total of 11 download links are provided. Please download from ONLY ONE download link, as it is the same clip. If any link expires, please send email to video@action4jerry.com
** The first 6 secs. of the clip are blank **

1:03 PM
I am In LOVE with JERRY
source: provided by wvt ofwww.jerryyan.org in Chinese
summarized by kkla ofwww.nbbbs.com
Jerry will participate in a charity event on Dec. 28, 2005, 7pm. Anyone who is interested can get a ticket of the basketball game by donating NT$500 (students: NT$200). If you are in TW, please support Jerry.
Corresponding website:
Phone for questions: 02-25856300
kkla; According to the ad, a lot of stars will participate in this charity activity, such as Jay, Zaizai, Rainie, Li Wei, etc... If Jerry is going to attend the basketball game (not just donating money), with his tight schedule, I am glad that fans get to see him just a few days before his upcoming birthday.
** Please credit kkla of nbbbs.com (not any other sites due to an identity concern), and please kindly do not change any content, or change a few words and then claim it as your own, if you transfer my translation/opinions elsewhere. Thank you.
Thanks to Fin

Correction: Each person needs to donate NT$500 for each ticket, except students (NT$200 per ticket).
12:56 PM
I am In LOVE with JERRY
Marcello Pictures

12:48 PM
I am In LOVE with JERRY
Saturday, December 17, 2005
Cai Yue Xun defends Ju Ta
and made Yu Xiao Hui cry
Source: http://udn.com/NEWS/ENTERTAINMENT/ENT7/3063002.shtml
December 15, 2005

(from left) Leon Dai, Tang Zhi Ping, Wu Meng Da, Jerry Yan and Janine Zhang.

Jerry Yan fully engrossed on his role in "Bae Se Ju Ta"
"The Hospital" critically exceeding its expenses, with its total production costs now estimated to reach 70 Million already, spending 280.000 in one episode, landing a new Taiwanese drama record history, and it's obvious that Director Cai Yue Xun has huge pressures. Several days ago, he watched Yu Xiao Hui joining in a surgery scene. Not satisfied, he shook his head and wished to repeat the cutting scene, causing Yue Xiao Hui to cry the whole night! Wiping her tears, Yue Xiao Hui was willing to stand again on the fire line as she said,"He's my husband, who am I not to follow him, too?"
Clarifying about the surgery scene, Yue Xiao Hui yesterday again smiled and also called, "You must not write this, la! It's embarrassing, I ask you, la!" She frankly said that she really fears Cai Yue Xun. Moreover, things like that shouldn't be known outside. Cai Yue Xun later also consoled her and said, "I don't blame you, nor I said you are not good with the surgery scene. And you are not blaming me after all, on the very many frames, I feel that I'm only clearing things."
"Bae Se Ju Ta" scenes spent hot. Just a white gown's back view would already allow a person to be moved. This is precisely a powerful achievement. Also within the days, Southeast Asian networks are now scrambling for the TV rights. Presently, in Japan, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand and the Philippines rights are all already sold. From the Ruan Qian Zhi network in Mainland China, it is reported that in Beijing, Hua Lu Bai Na company paid expensive rights and recently, prepares to sign the contracts. Hua Lu Bai Na has been producing many classical dramas, and presently transacting the Taiwanese broadcast of "Han Wu Dai Di" with Chen Bao Guo and Xu fan's "Chuan Ji Huang Di Zhu Yuan Zhang" and also Wu Ji Long and Huang Wen Hao's "Ta Ai Jiang Wo Ai Mei Ren."
In the drama, "Ming Yang Si Hai" of Pei Can Liao, Yue Xiao Hui was very excited in its opening, and said, "At that time, I was waiting for money and not the concept. The returns are also good. Immediately , our whole loan was paid." She helps Cai Yue Xun in handling production, and nowadays, because she controls "Bai" budget, she said that she it is really reaching the outmost limit already. However, she understands Cai Yue Xun and her feelings changed. Both of them learned that perhaps their relationship was stretched but was able also to find time for each other. Yesterday, both of them only looked at each other when they ate mutton in a night out.
On Jerry Yan, acting as his own boss later, Yue Xiao Hui said, "He now feels very well, and he gets along with the working staff so well. Moreover, he's very engrossed into the drama." But getting to change her excitement on the soaring production expenses as the drama crew enters, "she can't help to deeply call, "The cost soared too handsomely!" She smiled as she said that she can't face to talk with Cai Yue Xun, also hiding from him the bad acts is also very hard. Because the expenses soared and the people haven't arrived yet, later her assistant was able to get ready for the preparations. Yue Xiao Hue said, "If only the drama crew are women of 35 years old or more, even the soaring costs later can help members."
Translated by Jerry's Kingdom Message Board. Thank you for the credits.
12:23 AM
I am In LOVE with JERRY

12:14 AM
I am In LOVE with JERRY
Tuesday, December 13, 2005

10:17 PM
I am In LOVE with JERRY
Jerry Calendar Fan made credit to Yana

9:51 PM
I am In LOVE with JERRY

9:41 PM
I am In LOVE with JERRY
Sunday, December 11, 2005

12:51 AM
I am In LOVE with JERRY
Saturday, December 10, 2005


Thanks to chong chong @ jerryyan.org
2:48 PM
I am In LOVE with JERRY

scanned by: jerryyanfamily-philippines
2:41 AM
I am In LOVE with JERRY
The Fifth Annual Top Ten Chinese Ad. News Series
Most Popular Product Spokesperson
This is a poll set up by the China Advertising Online, International Advertising magazine, China Business Daily, CCTV market research, and various media organizations. Entering its 5th year, this is the most influential and authoritative top ten list in the advertising industry in China.
This is a very, very important poll. A good showing for ZaiZai in this will be seen by businesses corporations as evidence of his good image with the masses and, most importantly, his marketability as a product endorser.
Voting is until December 31, 2005. Multiple voting is allowed after a one-hour interval.
How to vote: 1. Go to http://www.a.com.cn/10news/2005/html/index2_shydyr.shtml
Scroll down. ZaiZai's name is the 42nd from the top, or 14th from the last. The entry reads ---> ÖÜÓåÃñ (à¸à¸ÄÌÌÇ¡¢°ÙÊ¿ÉÀÖºØËê°æ)
ZaiZai is entered for WoWo Milk Candy and the Chinese New Year Pepsi ad campaign.
(click the thumbnails to see bigger pics)

2. Check the box beside ZaiZai's name, and scroll down to the bottom of the page. Click the left button to submit your vote, and the right button to view the poll results so far.

Thanks to grendel of Vicpower
2:36 AM
I am In LOVE with JERRY
Friday, December 09, 2005

He wiggles his fingers, they scream. He touches one fan’s shoulder, they scream even louder. And when he speaks Thai, they go absolutely insane.
Having passed through the eye of the storm, we were back in the frenzy of the hurricane called F4, although this time it was a quarter of the force: Only Jerry from the now-disbanded Taiwanese pop foursome was in town – promoting Oral-B dental-hygiene products.
Several hundred of fans – girl fans, of course – packed into Bangkok’s Central Plaza Lat Phrao last Saturday to get a glimpse of the object of their infatuation. Not all of them had a ticket, a mere 1,090 of which were dispersed to winners of an Oral-B lucky draw.
“I sent more than 20 entries, but no luck,” said high-schooler Aor, begging anyone and everyone for a chance to get into the heavy-security “Smile Party”.
Inside, Jerry Yan met the press wearing a black velvet jacket over a white shirt and black pants, his hair shorter than it was the last time he graced the city a year ago, on Pepsi’s behalf.
Jerry was chosen as Oral-B’s presenter because he takes good care of his teeth, explained Chalermpong Mahawanichwong, Gillette Thailand’s manager for the products.
“I brush my teeth correctly twice a day and change my toothbrush every three months,” the singer confirmed when asked for details. Amateur dentists within the press scrum leaned in for a dubious closer look.
Jerry arrived fresh from a one-off classroom visit. Hor Wang School – conveniently right next door – had been selected to host him for a seminar on “Oral Health Problems among Youth”.
Finally, after showing the media his smile, Jerry changed into a black turtleneck and brown leather jacket to sit down before a swarm of devotees chanting “Jerry, Jerry, Jerry”, as Tin Chokkamolkij started firing questions at him in Mandarin.
A group of fans came forward to play a jigsaw game, with the winners getting a pillow bearing Jerry’s autograph and portrait.
More games followed and the screaming became truly unbottled, especially when Jerry sang his two hits. His voice was ragged from his promotional tour, but the fans helped him out, even in Chinese, right to the end.
At one point Tin almost shocked the Oral-B braces out of one young fan’s mouth when he called her name and invited her to the stage. The candlelit cake Jerry presented her for her 20th birthday came as a complete surprise.
But the biggest thrill of the day was reserved for Siriporn “Auntie Pam” Sudto, at age 57 probably Jerry’s eldest fan. She’s the author of a biography on the singer that’s been translated into several languages, and she gave all the proceeds – some Bt200,000 – to Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn for her charity projects.
“I’ve never been infatuated with any stars before, but I like Jerry,” Auntie Pam declared from the stage with the singer at her side. “You’re my puppy love!”
Cue the screams.
“All of your fans here want you to have the same beautiful muscles and good health,” she told the ailing pop idol.
More screams ... and exeunt.
Kreangsak Suwanpantakul
The Nation
thanks to http://onlyf4.proboards48.com/
1:13 PM
I am In LOVE with JERRY

Thanks to peggypeggy of Vicpower

the full Pepsi 9 stars photo, from left: Ken, ZZ, Vanness, Jerry, Jay Chou, Louis Koo, Edison Chen. Nicholas Tse, Jolin.
thanks to mikaylaaubrey of faithful4ever
Jerry Related News
Rain and Jay Chou change from enemies to allies
Posted: December 8, 2005
Popular Korean idol Rain is officialy apart of the "Pepsi Family," along with F4, Jay Chou, Jolin Tsai, Louis Koo, Nicholas Tse and Edison Chen. They are now known as a "perfect" group. Rain will be going to HK on the 27th for a press conference. One of Pepsi's endorsers, ZZ, was very happy to hear that Rain has become a member.
This year Aaron Kwok and Sammi Cheng dropped out of the "Pepsi Family" and Louis Koo and Nicholas Tse was added. And with the addition of Rain, this year is quite a show.
Rain will be attending a press conference in HK on Dec. 27th to meet 3,000 fans. Yesterday Pepsi released new photos of their current 9 stars. They all dressed in black. Jerry Yan, who was rumored to leave F4, will be working with F3 in the new commercial.
Now that Rain is apart of Pepsi, the group is described to be "perfect." Within the group Rain and Jay are said to be "enemies." In the coming year they might have a chance of workign together. Rain expressed that he took notice of the commercial the 9 Pepsi stars filmed in Jordan and their "blue hair" images. Both sides had much consideration for many months and he looks forward to working with the other endorsers.
As for ZZ (Vic Chou) who attended a "Meet&Greet" in Guangzhou earlier was asked about the addition of Rain. ZZ expressed that he was really happy and hoped that the family will grow bigger and bigger. As for whether or not he'll ask Rain to teach him how to dance ZZ said, "I won't learn from Rain because I've tried really hard before. I put a lot of effort and time into it but in the end I couldn't dance. I can't dance like Vanness so I won't learn!"
Source: Sing Tao
Translated by Amy of Faithful 4ever - http://f4ever.azn.nu Please give the proper credits when posting this elsewhere
12:36 AM
I am In LOVE with JERRY
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
credit vicky0103 @ jerryyan.org
8:47 PM
I am In LOVE with JERRY